When a loved one dies, it is usually the family or a close friend that selects the commemorations and final resting place. We understand that this is a difficult time, and that you deserve the peace of mind knowing that this final resting place will remain beautiful and undisturbed long into the distant future.
Please know that in choosing a burial place at Green Mount Cemetery, all grave sites are maintained with dignity and respect. The lawn, trees, flowers and paved lanes are well maintained, and all monuments and commemorations are inspected frequently to verify they've not been disrupted by forces of nature.
The setting is peaceful and serene, yet so spacious that visitors feel comfortable and unrushed.
We also feel quite confident in assuring you that Green Mount Cemetery will continue to be a well maintained, tranquil and peaceful respite long into the future. Since 1873, this land has been entrusted to an association comprised of local citizens with the appreciation that their own loved ones reside here as well.
The cemetery was established with a purchase of more than 150 acres of land approximately 5 miles east of Belleville, Illinois on what is now S. Green Mount Road. A portion of the land has been sold, and the investments from that capital fund our current maintenance. Another 67 acres are presently leased as tillable land for area agriculture. The association is charged with managing the investments and the additional land to assure the cemetery in perpetuity.